Managing Customers

Customer management is integral to providing excellent service and maintaining regulatory compliance. This guide details the processes for adding, editing, and deleting customer information within the CannaNiche system.

Note: Customer information is encrypted to ensure privacy and security.

Adding Customers

To add a new customer:

  1. Click "Add New Customer" and enter the required information, including any state-issued ID numbers.
  2. To select a customer, use the scanning feature or search by their ID.
  3. Confirm the customer's eligibility to order by checking the "Allowed to Order" box.
  4. Click "Save" to add the customer to your database.

Adding a Customer

Editing Customers

To edit a customer's details:

  1. Locate the customer you wish to edit in the system.
  2. Use the "Edit" function to update their information as needed.
  3. Click "Save" to confirm any changes made.

Deleting Customers

To remove a customer:

  1. Select the customer you wish to delete.
  2. Click the "Delete" button and confirm in the subsequent dialog.

Deleting a Customer

Checking in Customers

Checking in a Customer

To check in a customer for the waiting room:

  1. Navigate to the 'Waiting Room' section in the employee menu.
  2. Click on '+' in the top left.
  3. Scan the customer's ID or search for them by name or ID number. If they are new, you can add them by entering their details.
  4. Once selected, the customer will automatically be added to the waiting room list.

Checking in a Customer

To fulfill GreenSling web order:

  1. Select the order in progress and click 'Fulfill Order' to add it to the PoS.
  2. Proceed with the order process as usual within the PoS system.

Managing Customers in PoS

To manage customers in the PoS system:

  1. In the PoS section, click on 'Select a Customer' to start their order.
  2. Scan the customer's ID or search for them by name or ID number. If they are new, you can add them by entering their details.
  3. Once selected, proceed with the order process as usual within the PoS system.

Managing Customers in PoS