Product Management

Manage your product listings effectively to maintain accurate inventory, ensuring products are available for sale and properly synced with state systems.

Search Products

Use the search function to find products by status, category, package number, and inventory availability.

Search Products Interface

Figure: The 'Search Products' interface with options to filter by status, category, package number, and inventory availability.

Steps for Searching Products:

  1. Select the 'Status' from the dropdown to filter products by their sale status (For Sale, Not For Sale, Deactivated, or All Products).
  2. Choose a 'Category' to filter products within a specific category.
  3. Enter a 'Package #' to locate products associated with a specific package.
  4. Check 'Has Inventory' to include products that currently have inventory in the search results.
  5. Click 'Search Products' to load the matching products. Click on a product row or the green arrow to view the product, or click the red "X" to remove the product from the menu.

Use 'Sync Metrc' to synchronize your products with the state's tracking system, ensuring compliance. 'Preview Web Menu' allows you to see how your products will appear on the GreenSling web menu.

Create/Edit Product

Define the details of your products, including name, pricing, and inventory, to accurately reflect your offerings.

Product Details Interface

Figure: The 'Product Details' interface with fields for product information, pricing, and inventory management.

Product Fields and Descriptions:

  • Name: The name of the product as it will appear in listings and on the menu.
  • Sold By Unit of Measure: The measurement unit for sales, such as grams or ounces.
  • Category: The classification of the product, like Flower, Edible, Concentrate, etc.
  • Brand: The brand associated with the product, if applicable.
  • Description: A detailed description of the product for customers and inventory tracking.
  • For Med/Rec: Designation of the product for medical, recreational use, or both.
  • Ingredients: List of ingredients included in the product, important for edibles and topicals.
  • Activation Time: Expected time for the product effects to begin.
  • Quickbooks ID: Integration field for accounting in QuickBooks software.
  • Strain: The specific strain of the product, if applicable.
  • Strain Type: The type of strain, such as Indica, Sativa, or Hybrid.
  • THC %, CBD %: The percentage of THC and CBD content in the product.

Add/Edit Pricing:

Product Pricing

Figure: Setting up pricing.

If products are sold in preset amounts not weighed at time of sale, select "Product is sold in preset amount(s)."
If product is weighed at time of sale, select "Product is sold deli style." To add a price, input the amount and quantity, then click the green "+". The unit of measure aligns with the 'Sold By Unit of Measure' selection.
To edit, adjust directly in the grid, and to remove, click the red "X".

Deactivate Product:

To deactivate a product, preserving its data without listing it for sale, click the 'Deactivate Product' link below pricing.

Delete Product:

To permanently remove a product from your inventory, click the trash icon and confirm the deletion.

Images Tab:

Add/Edit Pricing:

Product images

Figure: Setting up images.

Upload images for display on the PoS or the GreenSling menu by selecting from the Image Gallery or uploading new images.

Inventory Tab:

Product inventory

Figure: Setting up images.

View and manage packages linked to the product, including their weights.
Click on a package number for more detailed information or to execute any package functions.