HTML Documentation for "Rooms" Function

Managing Rooms

Rooms in CannaNiche represent physical locations in your business where inventory is stored. It's essential for tracking and organization.
Follow this guide to add, edit, and manage room information within your system.

Note: To undo changes before saving, click the red "Cancel" button. Changes are only saved once you click the green "Save" button.

Adding Rooms

To add a room to your system:

  1. Enter the Room ID and Room Name in the respective fields.
  2. Provide a description for the room in the 'Description' field.
  3. Click the green "+" button to add the room to your list.
  4. Save your changes by clicking the "Save" button below.

Adding a Room

Editing Rooms

To edit room details:

  1. Click on the Room ID, Room Name, or Description you wish to change.
  2. Update the details directly in the list.
  3. Click "Save" to update the room information.

Editing a Room

Deleting Rooms

To remove a room:

  1. Find the room you wish to delete.
  2. Click the red "X" button next to it.
  3. Remember to save your changes to permanently remove the room.

Deleting a Room