Managing Taxes

Proper tax management is crucial for your business. CannaNiche makes it simple to add, edit, and delete tax rates to ensure compliance with local regulations.
This guide will assist you in customizing tax settings for your products and orders.

Note: Changes are not final until you click the green "Save" button. To undo any changes before saving, click the red "Cancel" button.

Adding Taxes

To add a new tax rate:

  1. Enter the name of the tax in the 'Enter New Tax Name' field.
  2. Specify the tax percentage.
  3. Select who the tax applies to: Medical, Recreational, or All.
  4. Click the green "+" button to add the tax to your list.
  5. Save your changes with the "Save" button below.

Adding a Tax

Editing Taxes

To edit an existing tax rate:

  1. Click on the tax name or percentage you wish to change.
  2. Adjust the details directly in the list.
  3. Click "Save" to confirm your changes.

Editing a Tax

Deleting Taxes

To delete a tax rate:

  1. Find the tax you want to remove.
  2. Click the red "X" button next to it.
  3. Save your changes to finalize the deletion.

Deleting a Tax